It's getting too warm.

Change is not happening fast enough.






What happens when the Earth gets warmer?

❄ Extreme Temperatures: Freezing winters and unbearable summers.

🌊 More Floods: Rising sea levels will increase frequency and amount of flooding.

🔥 Droughts and Wildfires: Will result in loss of life as well as food and water shortages.

🐼 Loss of Wildlife : Habitats are thrown off balance, plants and animals will die, resulting in food shortages.

At +3°C these events become extremely common!

It's already happening at 1°C


How does it work?

1. Our activities produce carbon dioxide


2. Carbon dioxide levels are at a record high


3. Carbon dioxide traps heat, increasing Earth's temperature.


4. Earth's temperature will rise rapidly if we don't cut down on our carbon dioxide production


How can I do my part?


Make your voice heard.

The most power in fighting climate change lies in the hands of your government.

Vote, speak out or send letters to your local authorities. The more people do this the more they will prioritise climate change policies.

Reduce car usage

Use more public transport. Cut back on driving private cars, and invest in an electric car.

Reduce energy usage at home

Use energy efficient devices such as LED bulbs. Swap out gas devices such as stoves and boilers for electric versions. Ensure your home is properly insulated. Wear extra layers instead of turning up the heating. Switch to a green energy provider.

Eat less meat.

Reduce meat and dairy consumption. Eat more vegetables.

Spread the word.

Speak to your friends and family about climate change, what you've done and how they can help too.

The Government

Renewables Research

Speed up research into renewable energies like nuclear fusion and solar power.

Public Transport

Invest in more public transport infrastructure. Ban the sale of fossil fuel vehicles.

Insulate homes

Insulate walls and roofs to reduce heat escaping.

Carbon Capture

Protect forests and plant more trees to capture carbon from the atmosphere.

Green energy incentives

Push companies to move towards green energy through tax reliefs and other incentives.